
Training of Doctors and Medical Students

The practice is an accredited Training Practice for medical students and doctors.

Drs Craig McArthur and Ian Pooleman are the Educational Supervisors for GP Speciality Trainee (GPST) doctors in the practice. 

Dr Ian Pooleman is also Educational Supervisor for Foundation Year 2 doctors (FY2).

Dr Sara Murray is the designated Trainer for medical students.

Dr Douglas is the Deputy Trainer for medical students.

The doctor may have a trainee or a medical student present during consultations at the surgery or on home visits.   We understand that patients may not wish to discuss sensitive subjects in the presence of another doctor or medical student. Therefore, you will be informed accordingly when you arrive for your appointment. Please inform the reception if you prefer to see the doctor alone. You don’t have to give a reason and the doctor will understand.

Occasionally the doctors will ask patients for consent to record your consultation on video for training purposes. The video is reviewed, only by those directly involved in the supervision of that doctor, in order to observe and improve communications between doctor and patient. The practice adheres strictly to the national guidelines for consent, confidentiality and usage of such videos.

You will be advised if your appointment is in a Video Clinic at the point of booking and your wishes either way noted on the booking.  Your consultation can only be recorded with your written consent beforehand and you will be asked for your written consent again after the consultation to make sure you are still happy for it to be used. Again the doctors concerned will understand if you change your mind and decide you want it to be erased. Video recordings are an important means of improving doctors skills but we understand and respect your rights, without question, to refuse anything which you might find intrusive to your own health care which remains our foremost priority.

Click here for our Patient Information Leaflet on video consultations - Video Consultations - Patient Information Leaflet & Consent Form.doc

Click on the links below for further information:

GMC - the Regulatory body for all stages of doctors' training and professional development in the UK.