Clinics We Offer

a young boy eating a banana

Child Health Surveillance

Routine health and screening checks for infants at 6-8 weeks old is provided by GPs.  Please ask our Care Navigators for an appointment for a 6-8 week check.

For more information on your baby's health and development reviews, visit's%20eyes%2C%20heart%2C%20hips%20and%20%E2%80%93%20for%20boys%20%E2%80%93,your%20baby's%20vaccinations%20with%20you.

All immunisations (including Childhood Immunisations) are delivered via NHS Highland Vaccination Teams.

You will receive a letter from NHS Highland with either a set appointment or advice to contact the Highland Service Delivery Centre (SDC) to make an appointment at a clinic location. The contact details for the SDC are 08000 320339 or

If you have a query about your appointment please contact the SDC on the details above and they will register the issue. The community teams will then be contacted to help investigate as needed.

If you have a clinical query please contact NHS Highland's Health Protection Team. The details for the Health Protection Team are 01463 704886 and the email address for the Health Protection Team is

a screenshot of a video game remote control

Diabetic Clinic

Diabetes affects about 1.5% of the population. It is a disorder which can have serious implications for future health if it is not adequately monitored and treated. Patients with diabetes are on our computer register with a call and recall system and will be invited to attend at appropriate intervals. All diabetic patients will be contacted individually to arrange an appointment for review.  

a laptop computer sitting on top of a table

Respiratory Clinics

This clinic was formerly known as the Asthma Clinic. We have changed it so that patients with other respiratory problems can also be reviewed. Invitations to attend are sent periodically, but please feel free to make an appointment without having received a letter. 


Contraceptive Services

All doctors in the Practice are available to advise on a full range of family planning methods. Women can therefore have the choice of seeing a male or female doctor for such advice. Further information on family planning can be obtained from our Practice nurses.

health check

General Health Check

Patients are more than welcome to make an appointment with one of our Practice Nurses for a general health check. Please ask for a double appointment with a Practice Nurse.

For Men - Our Practice Nurses can provide a general health check for men with a particular emphasis on preventing heart disease, including blood pressure and cholesterol checks.

For Women - Our Practice Nurses can provide a general health check for women. Any questions on Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) can be discussed and any problems sorted out. If you wish to have a cervical smear test please tell the receptionist who will allocate your appointment to the appropriate nurse.