
Configure Appointment Details

How to make an appointment

Appointments can be made by telephoning or calling in at Reception, between the hours of 8.00am and 6.00pm, Monday to Friday.

We offer a range of appointments incuding face to face, telephone and near-me video consultations.

Emergency Appointments

We have a duty clinical team available each day who are responsible for dealing with home visits, emergency appointment requests and urgent advice over the telephone. Please use this service responsibly.

Telephone Consultations

Need to speak to the clinician but don’t necessarily need to “see” the clinician?  You can book a telephone consultation.  We have bookable telephone appointments available.

Telephone Review appointments are useful if you don’t actually need to see the clinician in person, e.g. for follow-up appointments to discuss test results or check how you are tolerating new medicines, etc.  Your clinician may suggest a telephone consultation for your next appointment.  These appointments can be booked in the usual way.  If you are unsure whether a telephone appointment would be suitable for you, we would be happy to advise.

Home Visits

On average, seeing you at home takes four times as long for the Doctor, as seeing you in the surgery. There are also better facilities for examining and treating patients at the Health Centre.

However if you are housebound because of illness or disability and require a home visit it would be most helpful to telephone the surgery before 10am. Visit requests after this time make it more difficult for the Doctors to plan their rounds and this may cause some delay.

A doctor or nurse may phone you back as it may be that your problem can be dealt with by telephone advice, or that it would be more appropriate to send a nurse, or indeed arrange a hospital attendance.

NHS "Near Me" Video Consultations

Click on the link below to go to the Tweeddale Video Consulting Waiting Area -

Only accessible by pre-arranged appointment booked by a Clinician

Cancel an Appointment

It is important that you inform staff timeously if you are unable to attend your appointment, this will allow that appointment to be offered to another patient. 

If you have signed up for our text messaging service you will be able to cancel your appointment by replying to the appointment reminder message or if not please telephone to cancel giving enough notice to re-allocate your appointment to someone else.

Opening Times

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Appointment Monitoring & Availability Standards

In Tweeddale, we monitor the availability of our appointments on a weekly basis.  We use a method approved by the Royal College of General Practitioners which is known as the “3rd available appointment” – this is a recognised international standard measure.

We welcome comments/feedback on our availability standards.  Comments/suggestion forms are available at our practice reception or you can submit your feedback on this website via the Contact Us page.